Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bachelor of Science in AgriBusiness

by: Pagatpat Sotera F.

                Bachelor of Science in AgriBusiness is one accredited course in Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Agribusiness, it is an in demand course abroad as far as i know that why I engage in this course in this University. CBSUA offer this to encourage our future entrepreneur.

                I choose this course to enhance my ability and knowledge in the business world, choosing this course is not easy because there are lot of business course that are competing with us. But  in other side Agribusiness is the best course for me without this agricultural business all of us will die because the most important to people is food sharing my knowledge in  Agribusiness to farmers is a good choice to improve our community or country.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


By: Franklin H. Lelis

Agribusiness is simply define as an industry engaged in the producing operations of a farm, the manufacture and distribution of farm equipment and supplies, and the processing, storage, and distribution of farm commodities, this is based on my research on the computer.

The College of Economics and Management (CEM) is one of the colleges in our University the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture(CBSUA). One of the course which is being offered by our university is the Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness under the CEM. I am a fourth year college student now af the said university taking up BS in Agribusiness as my course. At first I don't know if why do I chose that course because all I want is to earn a college degree and have a college diploma. Because I do believe that this will be of great help for me if ever I will seek for a job in the near future. Agribusiness as a course  for me has never been so easy  but not that hard. It taught me lot of things which I will be able to use in my everyday lives. I learned to create and innovate a product out of something and be able to sell and market it. I also learned to promote our product even in electronics system such as the internet. This are only few of my learnings but I learned so many things.

I would like to grab this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our professors who unselfishly share all their knowledge, for their long understanding and patience in teaching us.We salute all of you and Happy Teachers Month.

Thursday, October 03, 2013


by :  Sotera Pagatpat


      The rearing of chicken is popular in rural areas of most resource poor countries, as a means of providing supplementary food, extra income and also capitalize on harvest wastes and inferior grains produced on farms.
     Silkie chicken are one of the oldest rare breeds of poultry. Thier feathers is look like hair, they also have black skin, bones, five toes, mulberry colored walnut shaped comb. silkies are well known for thier calm, friendly temperament and are considered as an ideal pet because they have funny personalities and are friendly even with the children.
    Pet a silkie chicken and you understand how it gots its name.breeders also like them because they will hatch  other birds eggs. With a walnut-shaped crown of plumage, blue earlobes and feathers that come in a variety of colors, it's a striking-looking birds that's often raised for show.
     They are such goods moms," said FGrank R. Reese Jr., the fonder of Good Shepherd Turkey Ranch in Lindsborg, Kan., who breed silkie for show.
       The majority are sold for ornamental purposes, but there’s a big market in San Francisco, where there are Asians, and in Minneapolis, where there’s a Hmong market,” Mr. Wood said. Japanese, Cambodians and Koreans also eat the Silkie, he said.
At K. K. Live Poultry in Brooklyn’s main Chinatown, Danny Wu, the owner, said he sells, butchers and cleans 3,000 Silkies a week, up from 400 a week 10 years ago. He attributes the growth to the number of Chinese moving from China and Taiwan to New York City.
“They make it for soup, or for the broth for Mongolian hot pot,” he said, “and sometimes they make a curry.” For chefs outside Chinatown, though, it is not the easiest dish to sell.
       In China, the Silkie is called wu gu ji — black-boned chicken. It has been prized for its medicinal value since the seventh or eighth century, said Yu Ying-Shih, a retired professor of Chinese and East Asian studies at Princetown University. Women who have just given birth eat it for energy. But its curative powers are not necessarily gender-specific. When Professor Yu was a small boy growing up in Anhui, in southeastern China, he said, because he had constant headaches, he was given bowls of   silkie chicken soup to make the headache go away.

      Recent evidence also shows higher level of antioxidant called carnosine. antioxidant in general are great thing, black chicken has double the amount of carnosine than regular chicken. Besides this benefits,carnosines can help prevent arheroosclerosis, joint inflamation, protect against neurological disorder like alzhemiers and diabetic patient.
       Meat and eggs are preferred of most  chinese people because they believe that silkie chicken can alleviate certain ailments such as; fatigue, osteoporosis, iron deficient, anemia and hair loss can also protect against neurological disorders like alzhemiers and diabetes. eggs of silkie are said to have less cholesterol content

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


By: Franklin H. Lelis

     Free range is a term which outside of the United States denotes a method of farming husbandry where the animals are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. In the United States, USDA regulations apply only to poultry and indicate that the animal has been allowed access to the outside. The USDA regulations do not specify the quality or size of the outside range nor must the duration of time an animal have access to the outside. Farmers practice free range to achieve free-range or humane certification, to reduce feed costs, to produce a higher-quality product and as a method of raising multiple crops on the same land.


    Kabir Chicken originated in the Middle East, where it is desired due to its very large size. Kabir means “large” in Arabic. Kabir chicken has been distributed throughout the world, gaining popularity because of its exceptional characteristics. Since its introduction into the Philippines, Kabir has become known as the chicken most-in-demand for backyard and small enterprise flocks.


       Kabir chicken raising is a very good livelihood opportunity to families that desire to have an additional income, and a source of “native style”meat and exceptionally nutritious and low cholesterol table eggs. Also, Kabir chickens’ large size and handsome appearance make them a source of pride, especially among the rural folks.

Kabir chicken production can contribute to the economic and social development of the barangay, in particular, and the whole municipality/city, in general. In some provinces and municipalities in the country, Kabir chicken raising is being implemented as an alternative livelihood development project aimed to benefit needy families and constituents (Elmer Esplana).

 The advantages of raising Kabir Chicken are, First, It is superior for meat conversion because of its rapid growth, good body conformation and efficient feed conversion. Second, the chicken is resistant to disease and heat stress. It is large in size and has a “native” taste and texture. Third, when cross-breed with native chickens, the Kabir qualities are retained in the new breed. Fourth, feeding cost is low since Kabir chicken can also survive by themselves. They can be raised in the same manner as “native chickens ” (pagala-gala). Lastly,Kabir eggs are low in choresterol.


by: Maria Abigail L. Nacario

        Some people ask me if what is my course and I said to them that I took up Agribusiness then they would ask me what is agribusiness? I simply told them that as what I had learned from one of our professor it is the sum total of all activity from farm to fork..They would have thought that I took up Education because at first that is really what I want but because of some circumstances it changed. At first I am clueless of what Agribusiness is all about but as time went by I clearly understood what being an agribusiness student is all about.


        I never regret that I chose Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness as my course in spite of the fact that there are lot of courses offered by our university. It's because I met some of the most important persons in my life, those are my friends and classmates that I had been together for almost three years now. Wherever I may be someday I will always cherished those wonderful moments that we've shared all together by my classmates, those “kulitan, kwentuhan, tampuhan most of all those kilig moments. In spite of having different personality and lot of complementarity we enjoy each other company.

Being an agribusiness student is quite enjoyable and interesting. I learned so many things from our professors, classmates and from my own experiences as well. Those experiences that help to mold my character and helps me to be a better person. As I go through with my college life I encounter several hardships and undertakings but I was able to surpass all of it with the help of my classmates.

They are the one who are always there to tap my shoulder and say, “kaya mo yan” when I almost give up, the one who always make me smile and cheer me up whenever I had some problems. They are the reason why my college life is colorful and meaningful. I am really grateful and so lucky that I have been a part of the Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness and belong to the College of Economics and Management. Being an Agribusiness student is CEMply the best.


by: Maria Abigail L. Nacario

  Philippines is an agricultural country as we all know and agriculture plays an important role in our society because it has fueled our economy. Most of the countries population depends on farming for their livelihood. Nowadays, many people are still engaging in subsistence farming. In this type of farming, farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their family. The cultivators use simple tools to produce the crop. These farmers try to obtain maximum yield from the available lands by intensifying cultivation techniques. Farmers had a very limited access land, production inputs credit and other resources. 


     With these recent situation in our country particularly in our town, I formulated and presently conducting my research entitled; Technology needs assessment of subsistence vegetable backyard farmers in Pili, Camarines Sur.Through my research, I will be able to assess the socio-economic condition of backyard farming industry in Pili, Camarines sur, identify issues and needs of backyard farmers and lastly, recommend development and management options that will address the farmer's needs. This may result to increase the level of productivity which in turn means bright opportunity to the farmers.


Rabbit could be the food of the future. They are fully herbivores, disease-free conditions quickly grow and thrive in clean. Plus, with their exceptional reproductive ability is fast enough to keep up with demand. Rabbits are quiet and easy to keep in sanitary conditions, and thus make an excellent source of meat in small or even urban areas. A single doe will have multiple litters every year and those litters will reach breeding age within a month that means a rabbit can produce six pound of meat on the same amount of feed and water it takes a cow to produce just one pound. On a small scale they’re the easiest animal to raise they’re easy to process. You don’t have to pluck them, they’re easy to kill, and you can pretty much eat all of them.

Rabbit is the highest protein% of all meats. It has only 795 calories per pound. Rabbit meat is more filling and easier to digest than other meat. Its cholesterol level is much lower than chicken, turkey, beef and pork. It has been used and suitable for special diets, such as those for the heart disease patients, diets for aged, low sodium diets, weight reduction diets, etc.
A 3 ounce serving of rabbit also provides you with 22.4 percent of the phosphorus you need in your daily meal plan. This mineral account for 1 percent of our total body weight and influence the body’s ability to use carbohydrates and fats, as well as the repair of the cells, tissues, bone metabolism and health. Cuniculture  is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising domestic rabbits, usually for their meat, fur, or wool. This differs from the simplier practice of keeping a single or small group of rabbits as companions, without selective breeding, reproduction, or the care of young animals.
With the meat situation what it is and the economy in turmoil now is a good time to consider the rabbit business. The best way I know to put good food on the table and money in your pocket, without a large investment, is raising rabbits. The profits can come in many ways: You can sell the urine for laboratory use, the manure for fertilizer or worm growing, even the feet for good luck charms. Meat, however, is by far the most important product.
Rabbits have been raised for meat production in a variety of settings around the world. Small-scale smallholder or backyard operations remain common in many countries, while larger scale commercial operations occur in Europe and Asia. The primary qualities of good meat rabbit breeding stock are growth rate and mothering ability. Uniform growth rates & size at slaughter are also considered important factors. Specific lines of commercial breeds have been developed that maximize these qualities - rabbits may be slaughtered as early as seven weeks and does of these strains routinely raise litters of 8 to 12 kits. Other breeds of rabbit developed for commercial meat production include the Florida White and the Altex.


Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness ( BSAB ) is one of the accredited course in Central Bicol  State University of Agriculture. This course is really good especially to those who wants to be an entrepreneur or to those interested in managing or engaging in business. According to the Department of Labor and Employment that there was an increase of demand to the graduates of agribusiness and it is up to 2016. It was a big opportunity for us to enhance our knowledge and skills to be productive as individual to work industry.
As a student of this institution, choosing of course is not easy because there was a lot of course that are already existing but for me taking these course are really grateful to take risk and problem that I encountered. In this course also teach me on how to communicate to others, emphasizing all the decision which is affecting my future and applying my skills and my objective in life. In this regard, agribusiness is one of the major needs in our institution because there are the one who make an innovation out of available materials which are basically needs of our country. This course also enhance my personality in order to pursue my dreams

Enterprise Induction: The Practical Knowledge Application of Under Graduate Agribusiness Student

By: Bongyad, Nerissa G./ October 2, 2013/ 11:00am

Agribusiness student was mold for almost six semesters or three years from basic to major subjects, English for developing a solid foundation in English grammar that will not only help student create their own sentences correctly but also make it easier to improve their communication skills both spoken and written English, math for problem solving and simple arithmetic, social science for the student to become aware of how groups in society relate to each other and to framework that the society has generated, which is also valued by employers this is just some of the basic subject to easily understand and dealt with the major subject in AgriBusiness like agricultural subjects (soil science, crop science, crop protection, animal science & etc.) agricultural business ( marketing, financial management etc.) taxation, economics and management (principles of accounting etc.).
            Throughout the semester this major subject had been meet for the student to become capable a having their own business and/or become an entrepreneur or manager someday. But, before that student are require undergoing either research or enterprise. Enterprise Induction is one of the practical knowledge application because in this, you will see how a student learned from their knowledge acquire, it measures how efficient and effective their knowledge acquire when it comes to practical business.
Engaging in Enterprise induction is not as easy as asking to someone a chocolate or candy because student must to prove and show how unique and innovative is their product, it is the need of market and it is has more than 50% return on investment. Aside from that, student reach the quota of Php40,000.00



             The Philippine fisheries accounted for 3.7% of the gross of national product at current prices. The sector employed about 990,872 persons. Of the divisions comprising the industry, municipal fisheries continued to contribute the largest share of fish production. Philippines surrounded by bodies of water where lies with in underneath rich marine and life sanctuaries. Marine fishing in the Philippines in more than an industry; it is a way of life. With 7,100 islands, the Philippines has the world's longest discontinuous coastline. Over a million Filipinos are engaged in marine fishing. Of these, an estimated 800,000 are small-scale fishermen using tradition, low-cost techniques, notably net fishing from small boats and the fish corral. The fish corral is a stationary pen that traps fish in coastal fishing grounds. Traditionally, these techniques have provided small-scale fishermen and their families with a means of subsistence. In the past two decades, however, their way of life has been threatened by the rapid commercialization of Philippine waters.
The province of Masbate is classified as a first-class province. Masbate endowed with rich natural resources. In line with its agriculture are other industries such as large farming, livestock and poultry raising. Along its coastal areas, fishing industry in Ticao, masbate.
Fishing is a major industry along the cost. The province is surrounded with rich fishing areas with all kinds of commercial species of fish teemed in great abundance. At present the fishing industry Masbate decline due to lack of technology needed which affects to the fishermen, coastal areas and near shores.
In this situation , the increase in fishing efforts triggered by rain increase in coastal population, the lacks of information and education campaign to effectively manage. How can our local community be agriculturally sustainable if we duplete our resources? What opportunities will be left if all the productivity in our fishing industry is reduce to few people and been subjected to the misery of those who have in life?
It is in this premise why the author conduct an descriptive research for the fishermen, near shores, coastal areas in the Province of Masbate.
The technology assessment based community project and new approach to project develop that needs in fishing industry in the country. While it addresses the battle cry for sustainable agriculture and forestry, it also aimed to provide wider attention to the near shore community who is relying for their fishing boats.
The assessment of the livelihood and employment is much relevance to the industry of fishing , the opportunities among the fishermen, the near shore and coastal areas is highly relevant to the study of our development planner and community organizer and the agencies involved in the implementation in the said area. The government is just so passive about the result of their in house monitoring and evaluation of there project. The result of the study will be acquire as input in the development planning appropriate in the area or a source for possible project implementation.

By : Andrea Bayrante

Egg production is one of the typical integrated parts of farming system of Filipino as their main source of foods and additional income. The effectiveness of the operation of managing and development of poultry industry is one of the factors in success of agricultural business in the country. Through the years poultry production venture in the society because pullets has a viable in the environment. Egg is one of the products which are excellent source of protein and it is easily sold to the markets and commercial buyers.
Value chain defined as a chain of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or services for the m market. The goal of all activities in value chain is to offer the costumer a level of value that exceeds the cost of activities there by resulting in a profit margin. As a researcher I should consider the primary value chain activities are: inbound logistics, outbound logistics, operation, service and marketing and sales when the cost analysis can be performed by assigning cost value chain activities.
Value chain may determine the value of table egg in every chain which shows the current situation from production, processing, marketing and distribution in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of the products as one of the major concern in my study. In gathering or collecting data there are several circumstances that I encounter especially when I interview the producer common problem that they facing like technology, financial aspects, research and development, disease, climate and also marketing.
As a researcher also we should consider the time, effort, hard work, communication are most important because most of the interviewee are busy and you need also to sacrifice all the things that you need to do in order for them to cooperate with you. Patience is one of the most significance that you should apply in conducting thesis. The interrelationship among each linkages among activities and the firms policy cost or differentiation, geographic location and lastly institutional factor.

Potential of Breadfruit Flour: may lessen reliance on high imported flour

By: Bongyad, Nerissa G./ October 2, 2013/ 11:30am

The world highest yielding plants per season of about 150 to 200 fruit name breadfruit. Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis ) mostly known here in the Philippines particularly in Bicol as “rimas”. The scientific or Latin name derive from the Greek word “artos” which means  “bread” and “karpus” which means “ fruit” and “altilis” which means “fat”. Engaging in production of breadfruit is not crucial because once the seedlings was planted it require little care thus low labor and the trees start to bear fruit at 3 to 5 years and remain productive for more than 50 years.
            Philippines are the major importer of wheat flour and range as top 5 market of United States. And According to Global Agricultural Information Network the milling imports over the past several years have ranged from 2.1- 2.3 million tons and expected to expand as per capita consumption of increases. Those figures showed how we rely on others countries import even though that we have the potential to lessen the import of flour.  Wheat is not suitable in Philippines due to its climatic requirement but breadfruit is suitable in tropical countries like Philippines thus we have the potential to produce flour from breadfruit since breadfruit flour is suitable for flour. Recently the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) conducted research project on “rimas” which determine the comparability of breadfruit flour to all-purpose flour. And “rimas” was found to have a greater solubility, higher water absorption, greater tendency for gelation and emulsification, and has a general acceptability.
            Highly reliance on others countries import is somewhat linger and accept whatever is the price. Philippines are a tropical country which is highly capable and favorable for breadfruit production thus potential for breadfruit flour production that may lessen reliance on other countries imports.


Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness ( BSAB ) is one of the accredited course in Central Bicol  State University of Agriculture. This course is really good especially to those who wants to be an entrepreneur or to those interested in managing or engaging in business. According to the Department of Labor and Employment that there was an increase of demand to the graduates of agribusiness and it is up to 2016. It was a big opportunity for us to enhance our knowledge and skills to be productive as individual to work industry.
As a student of this institution, choosing of course is not easy because there was a lot of course that are already existing but for me taking these course are really grateful to take risk and problem that I encountered. In this course also teach me on how to communicate to others, emphasizing all the decision which is affecting my future and applying my skills and my objective in life. In this regard, agribusiness is one of the major needs in our institution because there are the one who make an innovation out of available materials which are basically needs of our country. This course also enhance my personality in order to pursue my dreams.


By : Andrea Bayrante

Egg production is one of the typical integrated parts of farming system of Filipino as their main source of foods and additional income. The effectiveness of the operation of managing and development of poultry industry is one of the factors in success of agricultural business in the country. Through the years poultry production venture in the society because pullets has a viable in the environment. Egg is one of the products which are excellent source of protein and it is easily sold to the markets and commercial buyers.
Value chain defined as a chain of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or services for the m market. The goal of all activities in value chain is to offer the costumer a level of value that exceeds the cost of activities there by resulting in a profit margin. As a researcher I should consider the primary value chain activities are: inbound logistics, outbound logistics, operation, service and marketing and sales when the cost analysis can be performed by assigning cost value chain activities.
Value chain may determine the value of table egg in every chain which shows the current situation from production, processing, marketing and distribution in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of the products as one of the major concern in my study. In gathering or collecting data there are several circumstances that I encounter especially when I interview the producer common problem that they facing like technology, financial aspects, research and development, disease, climate and also marketing.
As a researcher also we should consider the time, effort, hard work, communication are most important because most of the interviewee are busy and you need also to sacrifice all the things that you need to do in order for them to cooperate with you. Patience is one of the most significance that you should apply in conducting thesis. The interrelationship among each linkages among activities and the firms policy cost or differentiation, geographic location and lastly institutional factor.



            This is in my last phase in taking up Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness and finally I will be able to use the knowledge I have learned within four years in the academe. The main objective of my course is to develop and build-up manpower with practical knowledge and problem solving skills to expand small and medium agribusiness enterprises and improve the productivity of agricultural products. As the course imply, it focus on Agriculture and how it can be accessible to business. The course prepares the students for a career in the growing Agribusiness Sector of the economy which is producing, processing and distributing an increasingly large proportion of the nations food and fiber. Expanding exports opportunities also are increasing the need for the graduate like me to fill the position in Agribusiness.

            A degree in business with course work emphasizes the unique institutional and managerial challenges facing Agribusiness. By practicing this course, students will be able tointegrate business management principles with technical knowledge to develop decision making skills. Agribusiness course offers the graduate career possibilities in a promising industry with various fields of work. The course also offers not only a business in agriculture but also gives job opportunities like applying as a manager or supervisor in a company, an accountant, government employee or an owner of a farm. These kind of profession have a higher demand providing that Philippines is an Agricultural country, this is an advantage taking up this course because there are still a lot of goods that can be develop into new form of product.

            For me, my course Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness is the main key to success, to become a multi millionaire and to achieve my ultimate happiness.


by Mark G. Villamel


           Temperature is the very important factor in raising a crop in order to have a good harvest. It is one of some requirements needed by a plant. Philippines grow in many notable potential economic species but not all kinds of plants can survive in a tropical climate similar in our country. This are classified as Cold Season Crops that can tolerate light to moderate frosts, but intolerant of high summer temperature. It is defined as plants that grows best in with 60-65°F. Fruits like strawberry, green apple, grapes, tangerine and vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, spinach, the cabbage family, and cauliflowers requires lower temperature in order to grow, these plants are usually raised in high lands and have provided an aesthetic appeal in gardens of planting. If the climate needed by this Cold Season Crops will not be followed the plants may result to a bitter taste, or bolt to seeds rather than producing edible parts.

            But because of the advent of today’s technology, published books and conducted studies or research, cold season crops are now possible in tropical climate like Philippines most especially in Camarines Sur who happens to have farms that are planting cold season crops. LRV AGRI-SCIENCE FARM (San Bernardino, Calabanga), LIBREJA AGRIVENTURE (Pinit, Ocampo, Camarines Sur), CARMELS FARM (Binanuanan Sur, Pili, Camarines Sur), SAVE OUR LAND (Cadlan, Pili, Camarines Sur), ORGANIC AGRICULTURE CBSUA (San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur) are one of the farms that are planting these mentioned Cold Season Crops.

             Camarines Sur produces cold season crops that are feasible because farmers are using certain processes in order for it to adapt to its climate and sustain its life in a tropical environment. Acclimatization is a process wherein a plant is exposed in the environment’s climate for a certain period of time and then keep into a cooler temperature until it adjust to the climate, while some farmers uses green house in order to maintain the life of the plant, it caters cooler temperature that is ideal to the need of the plant. Aside from this kind of process the plant also need some factors to sustain its life, this are the time management wherein the farmer must put up a lot of his time and effort in raising such kind of crop, manage the water and soil requirements. Fertilizers application and formulation takes an important role in the growth of the plant to attain its quality. It can be considered as a very potential money earners for those farmers and businessman.