Tuesday, October 01, 2013


By: Franklin H. Lelis

     Free range is a term which outside of the United States denotes a method of farming husbandry where the animals are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. In the United States, USDA regulations apply only to poultry and indicate that the animal has been allowed access to the outside. The USDA regulations do not specify the quality or size of the outside range nor must the duration of time an animal have access to the outside. Farmers practice free range to achieve free-range or humane certification, to reduce feed costs, to produce a higher-quality product and as a method of raising multiple crops on the same land.


    Kabir Chicken originated in the Middle East, where it is desired due to its very large size. Kabir means “large” in Arabic. Kabir chicken has been distributed throughout the world, gaining popularity because of its exceptional characteristics. Since its introduction into the Philippines, Kabir has become known as the chicken most-in-demand for backyard and small enterprise flocks.


       Kabir chicken raising is a very good livelihood opportunity to families that desire to have an additional income, and a source of “native style”meat and exceptionally nutritious and low cholesterol table eggs. Also, Kabir chickens’ large size and handsome appearance make them a source of pride, especially among the rural folks.

Kabir chicken production can contribute to the economic and social development of the barangay, in particular, and the whole municipality/city, in general. In some provinces and municipalities in the country, Kabir chicken raising is being implemented as an alternative livelihood development project aimed to benefit needy families and constituents (Elmer Esplana).

 The advantages of raising Kabir Chicken are, First, It is superior for meat conversion because of its rapid growth, good body conformation and efficient feed conversion. Second, the chicken is resistant to disease and heat stress. It is large in size and has a “native” taste and texture. Third, when cross-breed with native chickens, the Kabir qualities are retained in the new breed. Fourth, feeding cost is low since Kabir chicken can also survive by themselves. They can be raised in the same manner as “native chickens ” (pagala-gala). Lastly,Kabir eggs are low in choresterol.

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