Tuesday, October 01, 2013


             The Philippine fisheries accounted for 3.7% of the gross of national product at current prices. The sector employed about 990,872 persons. Of the divisions comprising the industry, municipal fisheries continued to contribute the largest share of fish production. Philippines surrounded by bodies of water where lies with in underneath rich marine and life sanctuaries. Marine fishing in the Philippines in more than an industry; it is a way of life. With 7,100 islands, the Philippines has the world's longest discontinuous coastline. Over a million Filipinos are engaged in marine fishing. Of these, an estimated 800,000 are small-scale fishermen using tradition, low-cost techniques, notably net fishing from small boats and the fish corral. The fish corral is a stationary pen that traps fish in coastal fishing grounds. Traditionally, these techniques have provided small-scale fishermen and their families with a means of subsistence. In the past two decades, however, their way of life has been threatened by the rapid commercialization of Philippine waters.
The province of Masbate is classified as a first-class province. Masbate endowed with rich natural resources. In line with its agriculture are other industries such as large farming, livestock and poultry raising. Along its coastal areas, fishing industry in Ticao, masbate.
Fishing is a major industry along the cost. The province is surrounded with rich fishing areas with all kinds of commercial species of fish teemed in great abundance. At present the fishing industry Masbate decline due to lack of technology needed which affects to the fishermen, coastal areas and near shores.
In this situation , the increase in fishing efforts triggered by rain increase in coastal population, the lacks of information and education campaign to effectively manage. How can our local community be agriculturally sustainable if we duplete our resources? What opportunities will be left if all the productivity in our fishing industry is reduce to few people and been subjected to the misery of those who have in life?
It is in this premise why the author conduct an descriptive research for the fishermen, near shores, coastal areas in the Province of Masbate.
The technology assessment based community project and new approach to project develop that needs in fishing industry in the country. While it addresses the battle cry for sustainable agriculture and forestry, it also aimed to provide wider attention to the near shore community who is relying for their fishing boats.
The assessment of the livelihood and employment is much relevance to the industry of fishing , the opportunities among the fishermen, the near shore and coastal areas is highly relevant to the study of our development planner and community organizer and the agencies involved in the implementation in the said area. The government is just so passive about the result of their in house monitoring and evaluation of there project. The result of the study will be acquire as input in the development planning appropriate in the area or a source for possible project implementation.

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