Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Potential of Breadfruit Flour: may lessen reliance on high imported flour

By: Bongyad, Nerissa G./ October 2, 2013/ 11:30am

The world highest yielding plants per season of about 150 to 200 fruit name breadfruit. Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis ) mostly known here in the Philippines particularly in Bicol as “rimas”. The scientific or Latin name derive from the Greek word “artos” which means  “bread” and “karpus” which means “ fruit” and “altilis” which means “fat”. Engaging in production of breadfruit is not crucial because once the seedlings was planted it require little care thus low labor and the trees start to bear fruit at 3 to 5 years and remain productive for more than 50 years.
            Philippines are the major importer of wheat flour and range as top 5 market of United States. And According to Global Agricultural Information Network the milling imports over the past several years have ranged from 2.1- 2.3 million tons and expected to expand as per capita consumption of increases. Those figures showed how we rely on others countries import even though that we have the potential to lessen the import of flour.  Wheat is not suitable in Philippines due to its climatic requirement but breadfruit is suitable in tropical countries like Philippines thus we have the potential to produce flour from breadfruit since breadfruit flour is suitable for flour. Recently the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) conducted research project on “rimas” which determine the comparability of breadfruit flour to all-purpose flour. And “rimas” was found to have a greater solubility, higher water absorption, greater tendency for gelation and emulsification, and has a general acceptability.
            Highly reliance on others countries import is somewhat linger and accept whatever is the price. Philippines are a tropical country which is highly capable and favorable for breadfruit production thus potential for breadfruit flour production that may lessen reliance on other countries imports.

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